Wednesday, 21 March 2012


I've been playing 40k pretty solidly for 16 years, I played at my local GW and thought I was a good player because I could beat the regulars. Then I moved up to York and met the likes of Neil Kerr and Steve Revis and found that actually I was a "baby seal". 

So last summer, somehow I ended up tagging along with Neil to my first proper tournament, a little tournament in Mansfield called Warpstorm. 47 players that just happened to include most of the best players in the country.  I took my brand spanking new dark eldar. The Baron, 34 Hellions, 18 Reaver jet bikes, 2 Void ravens and a Razorwing jetfighter. Needless to say, I didn't do very well 41st out of 47 with 3 losses 1 win and 2 draws. I did however catch the tournament bug. 

Since then I have been to 8 tournaments in 8 months. I have improved gradually but steadily from one to the next. I'm aiming to go to about one tournament a month this year so this blog is going to mostly be tournament reports hopefully documenting my rise to the top tables.

1 comment:

  1. You make me sound like some kind of evil WAACer :P

    I have to say you have certainly come forward leaps and bounds in what has not even being a year yet with your tournament gaming.
