So now I am looking forward to Caledonian Uprising in just over a week.
Caledonian allows forgeworld so my list is a sort of half-way house between what I have taken to the GT and what I was planning on taking to the masters. In short I kept the flyers but cut baron and the hellions for a seer council.
Caledonian List - Dark Eldar with Eldar Allies.
50 - Haemonculus
188 - Farseer, Jetbike, Doom, Fortune, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Singing Spear, Spirit Stones
388 - 7x Warlocks, 7x Jetbikes, 5x Destuctor, 1x Enhance, 1x Embolden, 1x Singing Spear
30 - 3x Wracks
72 - 8x Warriors
66 - 3x Guardian Jetbikes
66 - 3x Guardian Jetbikes
Fast Attack:
304 - 9x Reavers, Arena Chamion, 3x Heat Lances, 3x Cluster Caltrops
304 - 9x Reavers, Arena Chamion, 3x Heat Lances, 3x Cluster Caltrops
145 - Nightwing Interceptor
Heavy Support:
235 - Phoenix Bomber, Nightfire Missiles
Total: 1848 Points
Hopefully I can use the speed of the army to keep it alive and force my opponent to either spread out so I can pick on isolated units, or sit back in a corner and let me control the board. The 8 warriors are there because I couldn't quite afford a 8th warlock and they have enough shots to cause grounding tests on flyrants and the like.
It does look however as if caledonian may see the return of mech in a significant way. This could cause me real problems as if there are no foot sloggers for my reavers to kill I may not have enough time to pop transports and kill the contents.
On the friday there is a little 3 game 1000 point tournament:
I am determined to find a way to use my grey knights so I am going to try this list. At 1000 points it is impossible to cover all the possible bases, people could bring flyer heavy armies, hordes, mech, forgeworld silliness etc so I haven't even tried to.
1000 Points Grey Knights
100 - Coteaz
35 - 7x Acolytes with bolters
345 - 8x Terminators, 1x Brotherhood Banner, Assorted hammers and Halberds
Heavy Support:
260 - Dreadknight, Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator, Great Sword
260 - Dreadknight, Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator, Great Sword
Total: 1000 Points
Terminators push mid, henchmen get out their deck chairs and bouncy bouncy dreadknights burn things/ hit stuff/ win me the game. Not a great plan but it will be late and there will be drink for most of my opponents so you never know.