Wednesday, 12 September 2012

GT Heat 1. Game 1.

I won't do a detailed battle report for each game as I didn't take any pictures, but I will briefly go through the main points of each game.

Game 1 vs James Meikle
Mission was 5 objectives, deployment was Hammer and Anvil (lengthways)

James was taking horde orks, his list was roughly:

Big Mek with KFF
2x30 Shoota Boyz with 3 rockits
1x30 Slugga boyz with nob
12 Grots
2x10 Lootas
20 Storm Boyz + Special character
2x copters
3x Kannonz
Aegis defense line with quad gun

I rather stupidly stacked the objectives in one half thinking that because I had the baron I would probably get that side forcing him to come at me. Of course I rolled a one and he got them. However it was night fighting turn 1 so I could set up in relative safety. Basically my two reaver squads focused on one side of his battle line and wiped out one unit of lootas first turn getting me first blood. The hellions mostly sat in a central ruin and took pot shots at an advancing slugga boy squad.

When the flyers came on they managed to wipe out the other shoota boy squad with their missiles. The reavers killed the grots and the big mek and the hellions finally charged the slugga boys on an objective. wiping them out between shooting and combat after the farseer had doomed them. This left James with no troops and the storm boyz still to come down. We called it there as we were running short of time and he realistically couldn't change the out come as I held 3 objectives and the storm boyz could only contest 1.

The hammer and anvil set up is fantastic for the reavers as there is usually loads of space behind the enemy to maneuver into after doing their fly by attacks. Doom & poisoned weapons and the reavers makes short work of even 30 man units.

So Game 1 win.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

First 6th Ed Tournament: GT Heat 1.

So, like a lot of people I got bored of 5th with 6th on the horizon, but now its here and after playing 8 games of this edition it seems good so I'm back. I attended my first tournament of 6th last weekend, the first GT heat at maelstrom. Since moving away from York I haven't really had much opportunity to get any practice games in so with the exception of an intro game in a GW store and one proper game down at battlecult last tuesday I was going in pretty blind.

I left the painting a bit late so decided to take my dark eldar as it only required painting up a farseer and a unit of pathfinders.

Here is the list I took: (only two ravens unfortunately)

1850 Points Dark Eldar with Eldar Allies:


105 - Baron Sathonyx
55 - Haemonculus, Venom Blade


335 - 20x Hellions, Helliarch, Stun Claw
30 - 3x Wracks

Fast Attack:

294 - 9x Reaver Jet Bikes, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lances
304 - 9x Reaver Jet Bikes, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lances, Arena Champion

Heavy Support:

165 - Void Raven, 2x Shatterfield Missiles
165 - Void Raven, 2x Shatterfield Missiles


128 - Farseer, Doom, Eldar Jet Bike, Singing Spear, Runes of Warding

120 - 5x Pathfinders

145 - Nightwing (from imperial armour aeronautica)

Total = 1846

The idea is that hopefully people will be taking fewer non-flyer vehicles now, and more infantry on foot. This means the reavers can make full use of their new 48" range per turn to wipe whole units from the board, especially if the farseer dooms the target.

The hellions are still a pretty robust scoring unit, they should mostly just use their shooting though they can assault small units if required. The changes to leadership mean they are far less likely to run off the board. The wracks give their pain token to the hellions via the baron and then hide on an objective. The pathfinders are pretty tough against shooting in cover and the ap1 precision shots can be handy for killing heavy/assault weapons out of units.

The haemonculus gives his token to the reavers with the farseer to boost their survivability. The void ravens are mostly there to take down enemy flyers or vehicles, the shatterfield missiles are nice against massed infantry too if needed. The Nightwing is mainly there to soak AA/AT fire by evading and recieving a 2+ cover save due to its shrouded and agile rules. It does have 2x bright lances and 2x Shrieken cannons which can take down most flyers if they ignore it or can't take it down.

So there is the list I took and a brief outline of my thoughts when I wrote it. I will post some brief battle reports and assess how I and the list did in the next day or so.