I really am no good at this blogging stuff so I am going to ignore the fact that I didn't get round to finishing any of my previous tournament reports and just get on with setting up another one.
I achieved my aim of getting an invite to the masters in January. I am really looking forward to it as there is still a significant proportion of top players I am yet to play. The only way to get better is to play them and the masters is a perfect opportunity.
So far I only know that it will be 1850 points. The list I have been enjoying most in 6th is my dark eldar with eldar allies but up to now it has included a couple of eldar forgeworld fliers. I don't have a huge amount of time to sort out new units before the tournament so I decided to try and write a FW free list just in case it isn't allowed so that I have time to get the new units sorted.
Here is what I am thinking for a no-forgeworld tournament. If it works I might drop the fliers even at tournaments that allow them as I think this might be more fun anyway.
Dark Eldar Primary:
105 - Baron Sathonyx
50 - Haemonculus
30 - 3x Wracks
30 - 3x Wracks
Fast Attack:
304 - 9x Reavers, Arena Champion, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lance
304 - 9x Reavers, Arena Champion, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lance
318 - 5x Beast Masters, 19x Khymerae, 2x Razorwing Flocks
Eldar Allies:
188 - Farseer, Jetbike, Singing Spear, Spirit Stones, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Doom, Fortune
388 - Seer Council, 7x Warlocks, Jetbikes, 5x Destructor, 1x Enhance, 1x Embolden, 1x Singing Spear
66 - 3x Guardian Jetbikes
66 - 3x Guardian Jetbikes
1849 in total.
In the last couple of tournaments I have been to, I have had 20x hellions instead of the seer council. To be honest they performed pretty poorly. They didn't contribute very much and have a horrible tendency to run away. They now suffer a lot from the reduction in cover saves, and the reduction of FNP to a 5+. I can't recall a game where they survived and a 30 point wrack unit couldn't have had the same impact. The seer council should be more survivable with fortune and a 48" move.
So the idea behind the list is hopefully not entirely obvious. Nathan on the 40KUK podcast said that he didn't really know what to expect from it and if I can confuse him then hopefully I can confuse most people.
Essentially.. Reavers rock. With a pain token from wracks via baron/farseer or haemonculus they will have a 3+ cover and feel no pain, add in the ability to hide from most of the enemies army easily with a 48" move and this makes them pretty survivable. They on average put out 14 wounds on T4 units when they fly over them, that's as close as makes no difference to 5 dead marines. 2 units on a doomed target (for example wraiths) is a unit gone. Because of the way they move and do their fly-by attacks they project a vast area which enemy units will be very vulnerable in. This often leads to opponents being very defensive. This in turn means that my very meager amount of scoring units tend to be safe.
I unfortunately have no way of practicing between tournaments so I have not play tested the seer council or beast masters The way I foresee using the seer council is to soak up fire that would be directed at the reavers. Use the farseer to doom targets for the reavers and getting stuck in to large units such as blobs and horde orks or cultists with the destructors. Unlike the hellions they replaced they are not scoring in any mission so they can be used as a throw away unit and because of their weaponry they have a reasonable chance against most targets even vehicles which is a big weakness of this list.
The beast masters I think will be another element that could catch an opponent off guard, with a 12" move that ignores cover and stealth and grenades from the baron they project quite a large threat range which will help the reavers get me control of the centre of the board. This keeps my scoring pretty safe. Also they can charge flamers and screamers with impunity due to the khymerae's 4++ which is a bonus as daemons can be a pain as I don't want the reavers toasted or tied up in combat by screamers. Lastly they have a good chance of at least holding up more powerful units such as wraiths or terminators etc. sheer number or attacks and a decent invulnerable as well as 5 characters to absorb nasty characters via challenges.
The list can't deal with flyers. It simply can't. However I can only think of one flyer I am scared of and that is the new chaos one with the flamer (reavers don't like flamers). Vendettas can lascannon away all game and I don't mind, the necron ones would be lucky to kill more than 2 reavers a turn and oddly I can out manoeuvre them. A grey knights storm raven would be a pain due to the mind strikes but luckily they suck against everyone else, I know, I've tried them. Most flying monstrous creatures will come down to do damage and those that don't I will simply have to get lucky grounding them.
Kill points - This list only has 11, there are a couple of easy ones but most lists have more. However because there are no objectives to go for it is easier for the enemy to play defensively which makes it hard for me to pick them apart, however I am so fast that they shouldn't be able to get much off me if they simply sit in a corner.
Relic - This mission has pros and cons for me. The relic is in centre of the board meaning my opponent needs to go there with scoring units which gives me an excellent chance of killing them, but they can keep all their units together and support each other which can be a challenge. Ideally I will try and kill any of their units near the relic and go for it late game with the eldar jetbikes.
Bore Draw - Hold mine with wracks, kill anything that tries to get across to my objective with reavers and beas tmasters, contest theirs with one of 5 jet bike units.
Standard objectives - One of my best missions as if my opponent has to spread out and come towards the centre of the board I can pick him apart with the reavers. I am unlikely to get more than 2 objectives but with the speed of my units I can contest any objective in the later turns.
Big guns - Similar to above only I may have to deal with killing some tough vehicles, the bonus is that I have no heavy support to give away points and my opponent probably will.
Scouring - Perfect mission, I suddenly have 3 more scoring units that are tough and very fast, even more objectives which makes it much easier to grab some late game.
First Blood - I have some very easy kill points but 3/4 will be in reserve in most games and my army is pretty adept at picking on little units without having to fight through bubble rap and units that would be hidden from shooting. I don't always get it but I am not too worried.
Warlord - This is a big weakness, the baron may have a shadow field but his low leadership and toughness as well as his role buffing the beastmasters is likely to get him killed most games. Can't win them all.
Line breaker - If I can't get this then I have lost by a wide margin and not getting it won't matter.
So there it is, I think I can do well with it and I think it is pretty different to anything anyone else is taking. If anyone reads this, any comments, or suggestions on tweaks (or larger changes) are very welcome.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
GT Heat 1. Game 1.
I won't do a detailed battle report for each game as I didn't take any pictures, but I will briefly go through the main points of each game.
Game 1 vs James Meikle
Mission was 5 objectives, deployment was Hammer and Anvil (lengthways)
James was taking horde orks, his list was roughly:
Big Mek with KFF
2x30 Shoota Boyz with 3 rockits
1x30 Slugga boyz with nob
12 Grots
2x10 Lootas
20 Storm Boyz + Special character
2x copters
3x Kannonz
Aegis defense line with quad gun
I rather stupidly stacked the objectives in one half thinking that because I had the baron I would probably get that side forcing him to come at me. Of course I rolled a one and he got them. However it was night fighting turn 1 so I could set up in relative safety. Basically my two reaver squads focused on one side of his battle line and wiped out one unit of lootas first turn getting me first blood. The hellions mostly sat in a central ruin and took pot shots at an advancing slugga boy squad.
When the flyers came on they managed to wipe out the other shoota boy squad with their missiles. The reavers killed the grots and the big mek and the hellions finally charged the slugga boys on an objective. wiping them out between shooting and combat after the farseer had doomed them. This left James with no troops and the storm boyz still to come down. We called it there as we were running short of time and he realistically couldn't change the out come as I held 3 objectives and the storm boyz could only contest 1.
The hammer and anvil set up is fantastic for the reavers as there is usually loads of space behind the enemy to maneuver into after doing their fly by attacks. Doom & poisoned weapons and the reavers makes short work of even 30 man units.
So Game 1 win.
Game 1 vs James Meikle
Mission was 5 objectives, deployment was Hammer and Anvil (lengthways)
James was taking horde orks, his list was roughly:
Big Mek with KFF
2x30 Shoota Boyz with 3 rockits
1x30 Slugga boyz with nob
12 Grots
2x10 Lootas
20 Storm Boyz + Special character
2x copters
3x Kannonz
Aegis defense line with quad gun
I rather stupidly stacked the objectives in one half thinking that because I had the baron I would probably get that side forcing him to come at me. Of course I rolled a one and he got them. However it was night fighting turn 1 so I could set up in relative safety. Basically my two reaver squads focused on one side of his battle line and wiped out one unit of lootas first turn getting me first blood. The hellions mostly sat in a central ruin and took pot shots at an advancing slugga boy squad.
When the flyers came on they managed to wipe out the other shoota boy squad with their missiles. The reavers killed the grots and the big mek and the hellions finally charged the slugga boys on an objective. wiping them out between shooting and combat after the farseer had doomed them. This left James with no troops and the storm boyz still to come down. We called it there as we were running short of time and he realistically couldn't change the out come as I held 3 objectives and the storm boyz could only contest 1.
The hammer and anvil set up is fantastic for the reavers as there is usually loads of space behind the enemy to maneuver into after doing their fly by attacks. Doom & poisoned weapons and the reavers makes short work of even 30 man units.
So Game 1 win.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
First 6th Ed Tournament: GT Heat 1.
So, like a lot of people I got bored of 5th with 6th on the horizon, but now its here and after playing 8 games of this edition it seems good so I'm back. I attended my first tournament of 6th last weekend, the first GT heat at maelstrom. Since moving away from York I haven't really had much opportunity to get any practice games in so with the exception of an intro game in a GW store and one proper game down at battlecult last tuesday I was going in pretty blind.
I left the painting a bit late so decided to take my dark eldar as it only required painting up a farseer and a unit of pathfinders.
Here is the list I took: (only two ravens unfortunately)
1850 Points Dark Eldar with Eldar Allies:
105 - Baron Sathonyx
55 - Haemonculus, Venom Blade
335 - 20x Hellions, Helliarch, Stun Claw
30 - 3x Wracks
Fast Attack:
294 - 9x Reaver Jet Bikes, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lances
304 - 9x Reaver Jet Bikes, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lances, Arena Champion
Heavy Support:
165 - Void Raven, 2x Shatterfield Missiles
165 - Void Raven, 2x Shatterfield Missiles
128 - Farseer, Doom, Eldar Jet Bike, Singing Spear, Runes of Warding
120 - 5x Pathfinders
145 - Nightwing (from imperial armour aeronautica)
Total = 1846
The idea is that hopefully people will be taking fewer non-flyer vehicles now, and more infantry on foot. This means the reavers can make full use of their new 48" range per turn to wipe whole units from the board, especially if the farseer dooms the target.
The hellions are still a pretty robust scoring unit, they should mostly just use their shooting though they can assault small units if required. The changes to leadership mean they are far less likely to run off the board. The wracks give their pain token to the hellions via the baron and then hide on an objective. The pathfinders are pretty tough against shooting in cover and the ap1 precision shots can be handy for killing heavy/assault weapons out of units.
The haemonculus gives his token to the reavers with the farseer to boost their survivability. The void ravens are mostly there to take down enemy flyers or vehicles, the shatterfield missiles are nice against massed infantry too if needed. The Nightwing is mainly there to soak AA/AT fire by evading and recieving a 2+ cover save due to its shrouded and agile rules. It does have 2x bright lances and 2x Shrieken cannons which can take down most flyers if they ignore it or can't take it down.
So there is the list I took and a brief outline of my thoughts when I wrote it. I will post some brief battle reports and assess how I and the list did in the next day or so.
I left the painting a bit late so decided to take my dark eldar as it only required painting up a farseer and a unit of pathfinders.
Here is the list I took: (only two ravens unfortunately)
1850 Points Dark Eldar with Eldar Allies:
105 - Baron Sathonyx
55 - Haemonculus, Venom Blade
335 - 20x Hellions, Helliarch, Stun Claw
30 - 3x Wracks
Fast Attack:
294 - 9x Reaver Jet Bikes, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lances
304 - 9x Reaver Jet Bikes, 3x Cluster Caltrops, 3x Heat Lances, Arena Champion
Heavy Support:
165 - Void Raven, 2x Shatterfield Missiles
165 - Void Raven, 2x Shatterfield Missiles
128 - Farseer, Doom, Eldar Jet Bike, Singing Spear, Runes of Warding
120 - 5x Pathfinders
145 - Nightwing (from imperial armour aeronautica)
Total = 1846
The idea is that hopefully people will be taking fewer non-flyer vehicles now, and more infantry on foot. This means the reavers can make full use of their new 48" range per turn to wipe whole units from the board, especially if the farseer dooms the target.
The hellions are still a pretty robust scoring unit, they should mostly just use their shooting though they can assault small units if required. The changes to leadership mean they are far less likely to run off the board. The wracks give their pain token to the hellions via the baron and then hide on an objective. The pathfinders are pretty tough against shooting in cover and the ap1 precision shots can be handy for killing heavy/assault weapons out of units.
The haemonculus gives his token to the reavers with the farseer to boost their survivability. The void ravens are mostly there to take down enemy flyers or vehicles, the shatterfield missiles are nice against massed infantry too if needed. The Nightwing is mainly there to soak AA/AT fire by evading and recieving a 2+ cover save due to its shrouded and agile rules. It does have 2x bright lances and 2x Shrieken cannons which can take down most flyers if they ignore it or can't take it down.
So there is the list I took and a brief outline of my thoughts when I wrote it. I will post some brief battle reports and assess how I and the list did in the next day or so.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Rampage Experiment
A couple of weeks ago I went to a tournament in Bristol run by the Battlecult guys. 1750 pts and roughly a win/loss system. After the GT I thought I would try and experiment a bit with my list and see how it would work without Coteaz.
So firstly here is the list I took:
275 - Draigo
165 - Librarian, Warp Rift, Shrouding, Might of Titan
55 - 1x Paladin, Daemon Hammer
55 - 1x Paladin, Daemon Hammer
176 - Venerable Dreadnought, Multimelta, Search Light
Fast Attack:
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
Heavy Support:
136 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition, Search Light
135 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition
135 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition
Basically I cut Coteaz and all the infantry except the Librarian and replaced them with Draigo, 2x Solodins and a venerable dreadnought.
That is an 11 model army with 11 kill points.
As it turns out, it is huge fun to play with. I have not played it against many of the more top tier lists so I can't really say how competitive it is, but unlike my normal list, you don't have to protect anything. Draigo will usually make some of the dreadnoughts scoring, taking the scoring burden off the solodins, allowing them free rein to go after deck chair units, vehicles with their hammers or act as tar pits. They performed really well in 4/6 games, getting far more than their points cost. In one game the first paladin held up a whole jet seer council for 6 rounds of combat, while the other killed a turboing falcon with his hammer.
It suffers far less from losing a storm raven early. The guys inside are tough enough to weather most things and certainly won't die in the explosion unlike assassins. I use Draigo as a pure beat stick, just turbo his storm raven at the enemy and throw him at anything. Over the 6 games he managed to take a 10 man grey hunter squad and a 10 man blood angel assault squad, both in the first round of each combat.
That said Draigo is the biggest weakness in the army. As the main offensive threat, if he dies then it allows my opponents to go on the offensive which is very difficult to counter with so few models. He is very tough so he doesn't die often and can scare a lot of opponents in to focusing on him (at one game at rapid strike he chased a full 1500 points of tyranids across the board for 6 turns). When he does die it is a major blow, the two times he died at rampage were both down to being boltered to death, as with anything that relies on a good save, all it takes is one turn of bad rolling.
For an experimental list I was really pleased with how it performed at Rampage, I won 4 games convincingly and lost 2 in very close games. One game was down to me failing the only two 2+ saves I had to make all game on a paladin on an objective and the other game was down to forgetting that tesla weapons are ap -.
I unfortunately had to submit my list to war of the roses before I could test this so I am taking a Coteaz + Raven list instead, but I enjoyed this a lot so will look to take it to the next big event I go to afterwards.
So firstly here is the list I took:
275 - Draigo
165 - Librarian, Warp Rift, Shrouding, Might of Titan
55 - 1x Paladin, Daemon Hammer
55 - 1x Paladin, Daemon Hammer
176 - Venerable Dreadnought, Multimelta, Search Light
Fast Attack:
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
Heavy Support:
136 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition, Search Light
135 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition
135 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition
Basically I cut Coteaz and all the infantry except the Librarian and replaced them with Draigo, 2x Solodins and a venerable dreadnought.
That is an 11 model army with 11 kill points.
As it turns out, it is huge fun to play with. I have not played it against many of the more top tier lists so I can't really say how competitive it is, but unlike my normal list, you don't have to protect anything. Draigo will usually make some of the dreadnoughts scoring, taking the scoring burden off the solodins, allowing them free rein to go after deck chair units, vehicles with their hammers or act as tar pits. They performed really well in 4/6 games, getting far more than their points cost. In one game the first paladin held up a whole jet seer council for 6 rounds of combat, while the other killed a turboing falcon with his hammer.
It suffers far less from losing a storm raven early. The guys inside are tough enough to weather most things and certainly won't die in the explosion unlike assassins. I use Draigo as a pure beat stick, just turbo his storm raven at the enemy and throw him at anything. Over the 6 games he managed to take a 10 man grey hunter squad and a 10 man blood angel assault squad, both in the first round of each combat.
That said Draigo is the biggest weakness in the army. As the main offensive threat, if he dies then it allows my opponents to go on the offensive which is very difficult to counter with so few models. He is very tough so he doesn't die often and can scare a lot of opponents in to focusing on him (at one game at rapid strike he chased a full 1500 points of tyranids across the board for 6 turns). When he does die it is a major blow, the two times he died at rampage were both down to being boltered to death, as with anything that relies on a good save, all it takes is one turn of bad rolling.
For an experimental list I was really pleased with how it performed at Rampage, I won 4 games convincingly and lost 2 in very close games. One game was down to me failing the only two 2+ saves I had to make all game on a paladin on an objective and the other game was down to forgetting that tesla weapons are ap -.
I unfortunately had to submit my list to war of the roses before I could test this so I am taking a Coteaz + Raven list instead, but I enjoyed this a lot so will look to take it to the next big event I go to afterwards.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
GT part 2.
I left this way too long to remember what happened on day 2 except that I had to play probably my worst match up, a near mirror match against Gaz Donnelly at kill points, TWICE. His list is very similar to mine except that where I fill my storm ravens with infantry he just takes venerable dreads. He also doesn't take the razorbacks for his acolytes. I think this means his list suffers from more bad match ups, especially armies like necrons and tau. It does however give him a massive advantage against me.
All my assassins and purifiers don't do anything against an army of only vehicles and the fact that both games were kill points pretty much gave the games away. Some dice rolls certainly didnt help though I will not suggest they were the reason that I lost (but 3 penetrating melta bombs on an already immobilized and weaponless storm raven without killing it does still stick in my mind).
The other game was against Leon Smith's tyranids, I think Leon played a bit too defensively and never really bothered with the objectives, but it did allow him to keep the vp difference down meaning a 16-4 win to me.
I came 38th overall and was pretty disappointed. Losing to Gaz twice in one day at the same mission did take the enjoyment out of the weekend as the last game was a forgone conclusion as soon as I knew the draw.
Hopefully now I have got the bitter taste of defeat out of my mouth I can actually start posting regularly. I have been to both the 1st Rampage heat and a one day tourney in reading since the GT so I will post brief reviews of those and look forward to War of the Roses at the weekend.
All my assassins and purifiers don't do anything against an army of only vehicles and the fact that both games were kill points pretty much gave the games away. Some dice rolls certainly didnt help though I will not suggest they were the reason that I lost (but 3 penetrating melta bombs on an already immobilized and weaponless storm raven without killing it does still stick in my mind).
The other game was against Leon Smith's tyranids, I think Leon played a bit too defensively and never really bothered with the objectives, but it did allow him to keep the vp difference down meaning a 16-4 win to me.
I came 38th overall and was pretty disappointed. Losing to Gaz twice in one day at the same mission did take the enjoyment out of the weekend as the last game was a forgone conclusion as soon as I knew the draw.
Hopefully now I have got the bitter taste of defeat out of my mouth I can actually start posting regularly. I have been to both the 1st Rampage heat and a one day tourney in reading since the GT so I will post brief reviews of those and look forward to War of the Roses at the weekend.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Well that could have gone better. GT part 1.
It has now been nearly a month since the GT and I am just about over the disappointment. I will briefly go over my games and then make a load of excuses. I won't go back over my list as it is all in the previous post.
Game 1: vs Jungkoo Saeys (Grey Knights)
5 objectives, Spearhead deployment.
Jungkoo took a slightly different GK list, it was roughly; Libby + 5 Terminators, 1x 10 man Strike Squad 1x 5 man Strike Squads in Razorbacks, 1x Storm Raven, a Vindicare Assassin and 3x Dread Knights.
I was pretty confident to begin with as I thought my Mindstrikes would have a field day, he didn't have much in the way of ranged anti-tank so my Ravens were pretty safe and between them and the dreads I should be able to out shoot him. He got first turn and set up pretty aggressively, only reserving 1 dread knight that would deep strike. The terminators and libby went in the Raven. I decided to reserve my Ravens but set up the razorbacks and dreadnoughts to try and de-mech him as quickly as possible so that I can use my mobility to pick him off a unit at a time. The game seemed pretty close until the very end, his aggressive deployment allowed him to spread out and sit his troops on objectives while the terminators and dread knights kept me in my corner. However I managed to kill off the vehicles with the dreadnoughts and the dread knights with the storm ravens as they came on.
When turn 5 came around I still only had 1 objective and he still had 3. Despite killing all of his major threats he still had most of his troops left, each sitting on an objective. To make matters worse I had lost two Ravens to charges from the terminators and a dread knight respectively and my third storm raven had been immobilized. However I had the libby & death cults advancing on one objective who could get there as long as there was a turn 6, the purifiers and a couple of death cults threatening the mostly untouched 10 man squad sitting on another and there was 1 man remaining back on his home objective. In an inspiring round of shooting from the immobilized raven, using machine spirit it managed to wipe out both of the smaller units. Also the dreadnoughts and purifiers shot the large squad down to a more managable number. At the end of turn 5 it would have been a draw on objectives.
Luckily the game went to turn 6, I managed to get the purifiers in to charge the last 4 models he had left, a lone death cult failed its charge to help out. The purifiers killed 2/4 of the strike squad, they then flee but unfortunately I caught them and they passed their fearless wounds. Had I wiped them out or not caught them when I chased I would have got the 20-0 but as it was I had taken enough damage to make it a 17-3 win.
Not too many excuses to make after this game, I lost both storm ravens to charges where 6's were needed to hit and where the unit that did it rolled exceedingly well, but that happens in a dice game. The loss of mobility made it a lot harder to get rid of his troops as my army does rely on combat to deal with infantry, especially as I had to spend the mindstrikes mostly on his dread knights.
Game 2: vs Franco Murufo (Grey Knights)
Take and Hold, Pitched battle.
Another grey knight army, this time a bit more standard fare. He had Coteaz, an inquisitor with grenades, 7x combat purifiers in a storm raven. 2x 5 Death cults in RBs, 2x 5 Acolytes with some meltaguns in RBs and 2x 5 man strike squads in RBs. Of course there was also the 3 standard issue dreads with autocannons.
Once again I went second so I reserved the storm ravens. I have to admit that Franco didn't have the best luck. That said, I think he really should have been far more aggressive and pushed on to the middle objective. Instead he sat back and let me have the board control. This allowed me to put a unit of death cults in cover on the central objective and make him come to me. I could also turbo my Ravens on and multimelta his dreads. Once they were neutralized my dreads could focus on destroying his razorbacks and storm raven.
Not much more to say about this game. He only had 2 badly damaged razorbacks and 3 purifiers left. 19-1 win to me.
Game 3: vs Alex Harrison (Grey Knights) (sensing a pattern yet?)
Capture and Control, Pitched battle.
Another grey knight army: Coteaz, Inquisitor with nades, 2x 5 Death cults in RBs, 4x 3 acolytes, 2 in RBs, 2 in Chimeras. 2x 10 Purifiers in RBs that steal the chimeras, 3x Dreadnoughts.
This was a very stupid game, I won the roll off to go first and set up everything except the acolytes that would walk on on foot. Alex then spent ages deciding whether to set up or not. In the end he talked him self in to reserving everything except the dreads. He then rolled to see whether he would have seized if he had set up and of course he rolled a 6 so he was kicking himself. I figured that this game had draw written all over it so I thought I may as well try and push if for no other reason than to stop him getting to me. I then rolled atrociously on the damage charts and managed to fail to destroy any dreadnoughts in 2 turns of shooting. This was a trend that continued all game. In the end I had immobilized all 3 of his dreads and blown off 5 weapons. I backed off as he came on and it looked all set to be a draw until a turn of madness that saw 600+ points disappear to a pair of psycannons on two remaining purifiers that refused to die.
I had tried to keep some points safe and reinforce my objective against a small unit of death cults who were trying to move up by jumping the libby and his unit of death cults out of their storm raven and moving them out of line of sight of his army. The storm raven then moved 12" away to shoot at his advancing unit. Another storm raven carrying purifiers turbo'd across to just within 6 inches of the libby to get the 3+ save from shrouding. Then the two purifiers manage to shoot down the turboing raven when I failed the one 3+ save I had to make, it of course explodes the full 6", catches 6 of the libby's squad kills all 6, they fail their ld 10 check and run off the board, to add insult to injury 3/5 purifiers also die. Then as the libby is dead the dreadnought just in front loses his 3+ cover and of course I roll a 3 and he also explodes. This point swing results in the game being a 8-12 draw.
It was pretty frustrating but there was not much I could have done, he had passed about eight 3+ saves on the two remaining purifiers before they shot down the Raven, some times the dice gods like to take the piss.
It has now been nearly a month since the GT and I am just about over the disappointment. I will briefly go over my games and then make a load of excuses. I won't go back over my list as it is all in the previous post.
Game 1: vs Jungkoo Saeys (Grey Knights)
5 objectives, Spearhead deployment.
Jungkoo took a slightly different GK list, it was roughly; Libby + 5 Terminators, 1x 10 man Strike Squad 1x 5 man Strike Squads in Razorbacks, 1x Storm Raven, a Vindicare Assassin and 3x Dread Knights.
I was pretty confident to begin with as I thought my Mindstrikes would have a field day, he didn't have much in the way of ranged anti-tank so my Ravens were pretty safe and between them and the dreads I should be able to out shoot him. He got first turn and set up pretty aggressively, only reserving 1 dread knight that would deep strike. The terminators and libby went in the Raven. I decided to reserve my Ravens but set up the razorbacks and dreadnoughts to try and de-mech him as quickly as possible so that I can use my mobility to pick him off a unit at a time. The game seemed pretty close until the very end, his aggressive deployment allowed him to spread out and sit his troops on objectives while the terminators and dread knights kept me in my corner. However I managed to kill off the vehicles with the dreadnoughts and the dread knights with the storm ravens as they came on.
When turn 5 came around I still only had 1 objective and he still had 3. Despite killing all of his major threats he still had most of his troops left, each sitting on an objective. To make matters worse I had lost two Ravens to charges from the terminators and a dread knight respectively and my third storm raven had been immobilized. However I had the libby & death cults advancing on one objective who could get there as long as there was a turn 6, the purifiers and a couple of death cults threatening the mostly untouched 10 man squad sitting on another and there was 1 man remaining back on his home objective. In an inspiring round of shooting from the immobilized raven, using machine spirit it managed to wipe out both of the smaller units. Also the dreadnoughts and purifiers shot the large squad down to a more managable number. At the end of turn 5 it would have been a draw on objectives.
Luckily the game went to turn 6, I managed to get the purifiers in to charge the last 4 models he had left, a lone death cult failed its charge to help out. The purifiers killed 2/4 of the strike squad, they then flee but unfortunately I caught them and they passed their fearless wounds. Had I wiped them out or not caught them when I chased I would have got the 20-0 but as it was I had taken enough damage to make it a 17-3 win.
Not too many excuses to make after this game, I lost both storm ravens to charges where 6's were needed to hit and where the unit that did it rolled exceedingly well, but that happens in a dice game. The loss of mobility made it a lot harder to get rid of his troops as my army does rely on combat to deal with infantry, especially as I had to spend the mindstrikes mostly on his dread knights.
Game 2: vs Franco Murufo (Grey Knights)
Take and Hold, Pitched battle.
Another grey knight army, this time a bit more standard fare. He had Coteaz, an inquisitor with grenades, 7x combat purifiers in a storm raven. 2x 5 Death cults in RBs, 2x 5 Acolytes with some meltaguns in RBs and 2x 5 man strike squads in RBs. Of course there was also the 3 standard issue dreads with autocannons.
Once again I went second so I reserved the storm ravens. I have to admit that Franco didn't have the best luck. That said, I think he really should have been far more aggressive and pushed on to the middle objective. Instead he sat back and let me have the board control. This allowed me to put a unit of death cults in cover on the central objective and make him come to me. I could also turbo my Ravens on and multimelta his dreads. Once they were neutralized my dreads could focus on destroying his razorbacks and storm raven.
Not much more to say about this game. He only had 2 badly damaged razorbacks and 3 purifiers left. 19-1 win to me.
Game 3: vs Alex Harrison (Grey Knights) (sensing a pattern yet?)
Capture and Control, Pitched battle.
Another grey knight army: Coteaz, Inquisitor with nades, 2x 5 Death cults in RBs, 4x 3 acolytes, 2 in RBs, 2 in Chimeras. 2x 10 Purifiers in RBs that steal the chimeras, 3x Dreadnoughts.
This was a very stupid game, I won the roll off to go first and set up everything except the acolytes that would walk on on foot. Alex then spent ages deciding whether to set up or not. In the end he talked him self in to reserving everything except the dreads. He then rolled to see whether he would have seized if he had set up and of course he rolled a 6 so he was kicking himself. I figured that this game had draw written all over it so I thought I may as well try and push if for no other reason than to stop him getting to me. I then rolled atrociously on the damage charts and managed to fail to destroy any dreadnoughts in 2 turns of shooting. This was a trend that continued all game. In the end I had immobilized all 3 of his dreads and blown off 5 weapons. I backed off as he came on and it looked all set to be a draw until a turn of madness that saw 600+ points disappear to a pair of psycannons on two remaining purifiers that refused to die.
I had tried to keep some points safe and reinforce my objective against a small unit of death cults who were trying to move up by jumping the libby and his unit of death cults out of their storm raven and moving them out of line of sight of his army. The storm raven then moved 12" away to shoot at his advancing unit. Another storm raven carrying purifiers turbo'd across to just within 6 inches of the libby to get the 3+ save from shrouding. Then the two purifiers manage to shoot down the turboing raven when I failed the one 3+ save I had to make, it of course explodes the full 6", catches 6 of the libby's squad kills all 6, they fail their ld 10 check and run off the board, to add insult to injury 3/5 purifiers also die. Then as the libby is dead the dreadnought just in front loses his 3+ cover and of course I roll a 3 and he also explodes. This point swing results in the game being a 8-12 draw.
It was pretty frustrating but there was not much I could have done, he had passed about eight 3+ saves on the two remaining purifiers before they shot down the Raven, some times the dice gods like to take the piss.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
The GT
So, this weekend is the 40kuk GT. Probably the biggest 40k
tournament in the UK. I have been looking forward to this since warp storm last
year when I heard about it and the time is finally come. I went to Caledonian
Uprising in January and came a respectable 7th, so I have set my sights
extremely high and decided to aim to beat that result. A forlorn hope? almost
certainly, but it can't hurt to make the attempt (except for the disappointment
of failure and abandonment of 40k for the randomness and absurdness
of warhammer fantasy).
So here is the list:
1750 points of ... Grey Knights (I know, I'm Sorry)
100 - Coteaz
165 - Librarian, Warp Rift, Shrouding, Might of Titans
62 - 3x Acolytes, Razorback, Psybolt Ammunition
62 - 3x Acolytes, Razorback, Psybolt Ammunition
102 - 3x Acolytes, 6x Death Cult Assassins
107 - 3x Acolytes, 6x Death Cult Assassins, Meltabomb
129 - 5x Purifiers, 2x Incinerators, 2x Halberds, 1x Hammer
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
206 - Storm Raven, Search Light
135 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition
135 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt
135 - Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt
So you can now see how the blog got it's name, and no I did not
steal this idea from Gareth Donnelly, (except the librarian).
I have done pretty well with my three storm raven list at
caledonian, jolly toys and rolling thunder, but with the arrival of
new shiny necrons I have made a few tweaks. Firstly I have dropped a
squad of 5 assassins as they weren't really durable enough without a character
and the meltaguns from the acolytes in the other assassin units as I almost never
used them. I kept the bare acolytes as I have found having the extra bodies to
take wounds from explosions and small arms fire really helps keep the assassins
alive long enough to do their job. This has given me enough points to add a
small unit of purifiers with 2 incinerators to help deal with hordes and
The last tweak is the addition of warp rift on the librarian. It
is a one stop shop for dealing with necrons. It can autopen command barges with
no save allowing the dreadnoughts to finish them. It can murder whole squads of
wraiths, scarabs or warriors and put down (even if temporarily) annoyingly
tough characters like the traveller or stormlord. Put that in a storm raven and
that's a 23.5" threat range.
The down sides are that I now only have 4 troops, this isn't so bad at the GT as there is no bonus to winning by more than one objective and there are no secondaries to worry about. I still am going to have to reserve if I'm forced to go second against most armies.
Apparently the draw goes up tonight so I'll do some guesswork about what my first opponent will be taking and see how it goes.
I've been playing 40k pretty solidly for 16 years, I played at my local GW and thought I was a good player because I could beat the regulars. Then I moved up to York and met the likes of Neil Kerr and Steve Revis and found that actually I was a "baby seal".
So last summer, somehow I ended up tagging along with Neil to my first proper tournament, a little tournament in Mansfield called Warpstorm. 47 players that just happened to include most of the best players in the country. I took my brand spanking new dark eldar. The Baron, 34 Hellions, 18 Reaver jet bikes, 2 Void ravens and a Razorwing jetfighter. Needless to say, I didn't do very well 41st out of 47 with 3 losses 1 win and 2 draws. I did however catch the tournament bug.
Since then I have been to 8 tournaments in 8 months. I have improved gradually but steadily from one to the next. I'm aiming to go to about one tournament a month this year so this blog is going to mostly be tournament reports hopefully documenting my rise to the top tables.
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